Whitepapers on a Variety of Subjects Concerning Safety Awards

Over the years by implementing safety incentive systems with hundreds of clients across many diverse industries, we have written and/or collected whitepapers that address various subjects that might be of interest.  Most of them discuss areas within safety incentives, communication of safety award programs, Return on investment of these programs and thoughts and opinions of safety professionals all over the country.  Here are some of these papers.  We update, add or delete, papers to this collection often.

Understanding Safety Incentives & OSHA Regulations

Client Testimonials - Safety Incentive Programs

Translating Corporate Safety Goals at the Field Level

On The Spot Safety Award Program

On The Spot Safety Award Program - Executive Summary

The Psychology of Creating Safety Habits

Communications is Key in Safety Award Systems

The True Cost of Traditional Merchandise Safety Awards 

Do Safety Incentives Really Produce Results?

The Hidden Cost of Off the Shelf Safety Award Games

The Income Tax Treatment of Safety Awards

Is Cash a Good Safety Award

How to Motivate Employees to Work Safely

Wellness Programs & Awards that Drive Them

Why Gift Cards Are the Best Safety Incentive Award

Why Do Safety Incentive Programs Fail?

Designing Award Systems for BBS Programs 

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