Monday, September 19, 2016

How to Translate Corporate Safety Goals to Your Employees

One of the biggest challenges for HS&E Managers and Supervisors is effectively translating corporate safety goals into workable safety programs at the front-line level. 

Throughout the years, numerous approaches have been applied to address this challenge.  Typically, these include corporate mandates, hazard recognition training to achieve minimal compliance and avoid formal investigations, posters / tee-shirts / caps with safety messages that ultimately are lost in “the landscape” of the day-to-day job sites, threats of losing one’s job, formal safety mission / vision / values statements, and the list goes on and on.

In order to properly assess and solve the challenges of in-the-field commitment to safety performance, let’s first look at what goes into sound corporate safety objectives.  For a short paper that highlights this subject and discusses a simple principle communicate it effectively, please click here.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at

What’s the Best Safety Award to Use?

While this is not necessarily the most important question to consider when you want to implement a safety incentive program, it is a significant one. 

When selecting safety awards make sure that they appeal to the vast majority of your people.  Your program will have a much better chance for success when you do  Too often, safety planners don't take this into account.  Some safety professionals honestly feel that any award will do. While is true that any award is better than nothing, and you will get some motivation to work safely just by having a program that measures performance against a set of goals, the motivation will not be sustained unless what you are going to reward them with is something meaningful to the participants

In your planning phase:

  • Do you use the awards that your award company wants to sell you?  
  • Do you give your employees the award that you want them to have?
  • Or do you ask your employees what award they want?  

As family involvement is extremely important to the success of any safety incentive campaign, do you choose awards that appeal to them? Remember that company identifiable clothing (tee shirts, hats etc.) have relatively little meaning for the family.  

Within reason, you should use the award that your employees really want, the one they would choose for themselves.

Click here if you would like to see a white paper on this subject.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Benefit of True Choice in Safety Awards

Will the traditional merchandise and company logo wearables used to award safety sensitive employees in the past be effective in motivating and recognizing employees in today’s diverse workplace?

The Award of Choice card and On The Spot Safety Award card were developed by professionals in the safety industry to provide the broadest selection of merchants within a gift card program.  When you offer employees their choice of awards, they work harder to achieve your goals.  When the award is something that is personally meaningful to them and when...

 their families can participate in the award redemption process, YOUR program safety objectives become THEIR safety objectives.

Sometimes it’s just that simple; we don’t try to complicate it.

The Award of Choice program offers over 500 gift card brands!  See for yourself. 

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at

Monday, September 12, 2016

How Effective Are Gift Cards as Safety Awards?

According to recent research on gift cards published by Incentive Magazine 97.6% of all incentive users reporting felt that gift cards were effective, very effective or extremely effective.  Actual research results were:

The diversity of today’s workforce demands something different from the same traditional merchandise and logo company items that were used in safety programs for years. 

Total Effectiveness of Gift Cards as Employee Safety Awards

% of Responses
Very Effective
Extremely Effective

By any measure, gift cards are the most effective safety award for two simple reasons:  

  1. They provide the greatest choice and value for the award winner
  2. Unquestionably they give the client the most cost effective means to recognize performance  
For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at