Monday, September 19, 2016

How to Translate Corporate Safety Goals to Your Employees

One of the biggest challenges for HS&E Managers and Supervisors is effectively translating corporate safety goals into workable safety programs at the front-line level. 

Throughout the years, numerous approaches have been applied to address this challenge.  Typically, these include corporate mandates, hazard recognition training to achieve minimal compliance and avoid formal investigations, posters / tee-shirts / caps with safety messages that ultimately are lost in “the landscape” of the day-to-day job sites, threats of losing one’s job, formal safety mission / vision / values statements, and the list goes on and on.

In order to properly assess and solve the challenges of in-the-field commitment to safety performance, let’s first look at what goes into sound corporate safety objectives.  For a short paper that highlights this subject and discusses a simple principle communicate it effectively, please click here.

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