Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Why & How to Involve Family in Your Safety Initiatives

This article in Safeopedia is about driving your company’s safety culture at home and worth the read.  Engaging the family is something we have recommended to clients for years, something we know that can be very effective when combined with the right safety award that the entire family can share.

The message is simple, don’t just focus your safety program on your employees, focus it also on their families.  While incidents of injuries are very harmful to the company, they can be devastating to the family.

In today’s world, everyone is connected.  People are not more than a text, tweet email or Facebook message away.  Keeping your employees actively involved in the safety rules of their performance means keeping their families actively involved as well.  You can use regular communications channels to bring the families into your safety culture. Monthly mailings, tweets and other social media can be used to great effect.  Find topics that are general in nature but tie into your safety values.  Many safety topics at work can apply to family and children as well. 

Communications is important in any safety culture.  Make sure you share safety information about the challenges their loved ones face on the job, and where feasible bring the family to an event that spotlights safety…such as safety fairs. When the family understands your issues they can be more supportive of the employee in their everyday work life.

If you are using any type of safety award to motivate safe performance in leading indicators, make sure the awards can be enjoyed by the family.  This is something we have been recommending to clients for years, it doesn’t cost you anymore and can be powerful motivator for them. 

When you include family…“you will have a whole army working to build and support your company’s safety culture

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net.

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