Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Award Programs-Another Way to Promote Safety.

Safety award programs use rewards to encourage employees to follow safety protocols, work safely, and be vigilant on the job. They work for a few different reasons:  
  • Rewards for a job well done fulfills our desire for acknowledgment and affirmation
  • Recognition promotes worker engagement
  • Rewards keep safety at the forefront of every worker's mind

 Reward programs don’t have to be costly to be effective.  In fact the incentive industry has known for years that:

A small, positive, immediate consequence has more impact on behavior than a large, future and uncertain one.
By consistently and continuously reinforcing behavior change with small amounts of awards, you will change behavior

People do things for their own reasons and needs – not yours.  If you want to motivate change, then offer awards that appeal to those needs.  Within reason, let them have what they want, not what you think they want and not what you want them to have.

With a bit of brainstorming, you can come up with ways to encourage safe behavior and reduce the rate of accidents and injuries without putting a strain on your budget. 

Regardless of how you structure your program or what awards you use, base it only on recognizing improvement in lagging indicators.  That is the only way to build a habit of safe performance that will be lasting.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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