Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Does Worker Safety Produce Customer Satisfaction?

Is it true that safety sensitive workers who have relatively none or no customer facing responsibilities can produce customer satisfaction?  Studies have found that the businesses that report fewer accidents typically have higher customer satisfaction? 

There can be a number of factors that determined the higher rate of customer satisfaction among safety-focused companies. One key factor was the increased engagement and satisfaction levels among the workers in the groups with low-accident rates. These workers felt safe and supported in their efforts, which spilled over to their interactions with the customers.

Engaged businesses also show an increased use of employee reward programs as part of their commitment to engagement which carries over to an increased use of programs recognizing safety.  Acknowledging those who have helped reduce workplace accidents or rewarding teams for reaching certain milestones without an incident can reinforce the importance of safety.

“In an organization with a positive safety climate, where safety does not take a backseat to productivity, employees are likely to believe they have permission to do things right.” “Doing things right is a permeating value in a work unit that is likely to reach into several domains of work behavior, some of which influence the quality of work.”

Reward programs deliver a way for businesses to reinforce a culture centered on safety and following proper methods. This can have a number of benefits for organizations beyond customer satisfaction, and can include aspects that directly influence customer opinion, like product quality, response to service problems and billing.

Yes, worker safety can help produce increased customer satisfaction. 

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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