Tuesday, November 13, 2018

eSafety Awards for eLearning Safety Systems

In our last blog post we discussed The Forgetting Curve and how the value of billions of safety training dollars are at stake if you don’t reinforce that training with more training. 

We also mentioned that more training was not the only alternative to reinforcing safety training and that small safety awareness awards can be just as effective and often more cost effective as well.

One of these alternative safety award alternatives is the e-gift card.  Now with just a few clicks at your desk or from the field on your laptop or from your iPhone you can give an employee who performed a trained safety function in the proper manner an instant e-gift card.  The codes for these e-gift cards can be purchased and stored for immediate use, so you can give them instantly.  Your employee can then use them immediately online to redeem for an item from that store.

To provide even more motivation, there are some gift card award companies, like the
Award of Choice, that can provide codes that can be redeemed for over 100 of the most popular brands in the country.  This saves you the trouble of trying to determine which gift card brand to use.  An added benefit is that these Award of Choice cards can be purchased without a fee, a dollar-for-dollar value.

The next time you think about doing more training as a reinforcement strategy for training, consider using small BBS awards instead.  You’ll get the added benefit of turning the training into habits, which is in effect a 100% retention strategy.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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