Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Employee Engagement Can Produce Fewer Safety Incidents

Over the last few years there has been a lot written on Employee Engagement.  It has become the large cauldron that contains everything you ever wanted to know about how to engage your employees, make them perform better, have better attitudes etc.  Gallup’s most recent State of the American Workplace report paints a fairly clear picture that employee engagement is working.  By looking at the results of this study, it is apparent that it works.  What it doesn’t really show is what exactly is employee engagement in the first place and how exactly is it measured.  There seems to be differences of opinion on that.
Regardless, Gallup states that compared to organizations with lower levels of employee engagement, those with higher levels of engagement typically experience:
  • 41% lower absenteeism
  • 24% lower turnover (high turnover industries)
  • 59% lower turnover (low turnover industries)
  • 28% less shrinkage
  • 70% fewer employee safety incidents
  • 58% fewer patient safety incidents
  • 40% fewer quality incidents (defects)
  • 17% higher productivity
  • 20% higher sales
  • 21% higher profitability
If the above numbers are correct, and you really do know how to improve employee engagement, it should form a base for any safety culture. 

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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