Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Real Importance of Regular Safety Meetings

Many years ago working with a very successful safety manager, we asked the question “what is the single most important thing you can do to reduce accidents and injuries”.  His answer was simple:

“Communicate, Communicate, Communicate”

He went on to say that if every employee could have a safety supervisor with him every step of the day, your safety performance would approach perfection.  Safety is about communications, starting with training and then all the strategies you put in place in reinforcement of training, especially safety meetings.  The more and better the communications, but better the results. 

Safety meetings are ubiquitous, when done correctly they have a high return on the investment. The primary criteria when evaluating any safety tool should be… “Does this help keep my employees safe from injury on the job?”   Safety meetings are the front line of your communications strategy.  They improve communications in a number of ways:

Increase Awareness
They prepare the employee for hazards they may face the potential danger and proper safe practices and help them to avoid a preventable incident.

Supplemental Formal Training
Safety meetings can be a great tool to remind employees about certain hazards and safe work practices that they have previously learned.

Increase Vigilance on the Job
Regular safety meetings means employees are reminded on a regular basis to remain vigilant, avoid hazards, and employ safe practices.

Create Open Dialogue
Safety meetings are the next best things to face to a face conversation.  They are more than one-sided lectures from supervisors to employees.  They open a dialogue that allows employees to participate in the conversation and learn more about the current state of your safety program.

Effective Communication and Influence
When you choose memos, emails, and bulletin boards as your main form of safety communication you are choosing efficiency over effectiveness.
The best form of communication regarding effectiveness is face to face, and when not done person to person, the safety meeting serves that purpose. 

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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