Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Make the “Near Miss” a “Good Catch”

“Near Misses” will always be a part of the safety world.  In fact, you want those long before you want an accident.  We know that reporting a good catch can have positive effects on your entire team.  Positive reinforcement of reporting near misses helps strengthen a positive safety culture. If anything, the reporting of a near miss should be celebrated and reinforced.  It’s through the entire conversation around the near miss that allows for better communications about safety.

When you reward the “Good Catch” you ensure that your whole team becomes aware of the importance or reporting incidents.  Whatever system you use make sure to make it as simple as possible.  Too many organizations make it so complicated that employees avoid such reporting entirely.

We should all want to know about the little things so they aren't big things in the future. Encouraging reporting of ‘good catches” will help you uncover those little things.
The wording, “Good Catch” while meaning the same thing, is much more positive, and encourages response.  Some clients also provide minimal types or rewards as positive reinforcement given publicly to acknowledge the reporter.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Taking Inventory of Your Safety Program

It’s always good to do an inventory of the basic components of your over safety program to keep and refine those things that are working well, to refine and improve those things that are marginal, and to delete those things things that don’t benefit your overall effort.
Judy Agnew and Aubrey Daniels, safety experts and authors of “Safe By Accident,” recently sent a list of points critiquing certain common safety practices. Here is what the authors had to say:

1. Don’t base safety incentives on incident ratesHaving zero incidents is the ultimate goal of safety, but this flawed system unintentionally rewards luck, can encourage employees to not report incidents to avoid losing the incentive, and may result in reinforcing unsafe and unethical behavior. Instead, an incentive system should be based on motivating employees to engage in pinpointed safe behaviors.

2. Understand the value of near missesThere should be a prescribed way to produce a product in a safe, efficient manner. Any deviation from that should be classified as a near miss—sensitizing employees to observe deviations in their own behavior and that of other employees. Near misses provide valuable information about training, supervision and teamwork.

3. Don’t punish mistakes. Employees often fail to report safety concerns because they fear reprisal. Punishing unsafe behavior creates a culture of cover-ups. 

4. Understand that checklists are not foolproof. Checklists can become an important tool for developing sound behavior and producing long-lasting change, but sometimes people assume the very implementation is all that is required to change behavior, when it will only result in temporary change. Items should be observed apart from the checklist to ensure quality and safety. In addition, modify checklists by conducting post-mortems on projects and procedures to pinpoint tasks, roles, and responsibilities even more specifically.

5. Ditch inspirational safety signageWithout the clutter of signs that have no meaningful information, employees may be less likely to ignore important signage. In order to maximize effectiveness, use only compliance signs that direct specific behavior (“Hearing protection required in this area”) and informational signs when appropriate and relevant.

To this list we would add, Use Positive Consequences to Reinforce Positive Safety Behavior. 

To implement your overall safety initiative requires a sizeable budget.  It is natural for us to automatically include in that budget the proper amount of training, signage, PPE, necessary technology, etc to make the program work.  It is not automatic for many to include a budget for positive reinforcement of safe behaviors…the ultimate objective of your entire system.
Think about positive reinforcement as the piece of your budget that will drive all the other pieces.  It is usually a small amount in comparison to your other safety expenditures and will act as insurance that the other expenditures are effective.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net