Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Make the “Near Miss” a “Good Catch”

“Near Misses” will always be a part of the safety world.  In fact, you want those long before you want an accident.  We know that reporting a good catch can have positive effects on your entire team.  Positive reinforcement of reporting near misses helps strengthen a positive safety culture. If anything, the reporting of a near miss should be celebrated and reinforced.  It’s through the entire conversation around the near miss that allows for better communications about safety.

When you reward the “Good Catch” you ensure that your whole team becomes aware of the importance or reporting incidents.  Whatever system you use make sure to make it as simple as possible.  Too many organizations make it so complicated that employees avoid such reporting entirely.

We should all want to know about the little things so they aren't big things in the future. Encouraging reporting of ‘good catches” will help you uncover those little things.
The wording, “Good Catch” while meaning the same thing, is much more positive, and encourages response.  Some clients also provide minimal types or rewards as positive reinforcement given publicly to acknowledge the reporter.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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