Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Instructor-led or Online Safety Training?

Many safety managers are proponents of eLearning safety training because it makes safety training accessible for users around the world. It guarantees a consistent training message and can easily manage who gets trained and when.  It can also include scheduling for continuous upgrades and retraining on an as needed basis.  It definitely can save money when companies who have a wide ranging diversified global workforce that requires training content anywhere at any time.

Knowing  some main differences between instructor-led training (ILT) and eLearning  training will make it easier to decide which one or combination should you use: 

·       While ILT is the one we are most familiar with it can have a high cost of implementation, both in terms of time and money.

·       ILT can have inconsistent messaging due to teaching styles and instructor knowledge or experience. 

·       With ILT time is taken away from work and training interrupts an employee's daily tasks

·       eLearning can save companies money, in terms of development hours, travel costs and employee time away from work

·       eLearning takes less time away from an employee's work day, as eLearning takes up 40-60% less time than classroom instruction

·       eLearning will allow employees more flexibility to access training when and where they have the time to do so

·       eLearning can be particularly suited for employees who are remote, travel or have a high turnover

·       eLearning can easily create personalized custom solutions for your training needs

·       eLearning has the reputation of being more convenient and cost-effective than classroom training.

·       e-learning can be particularly effective for retention because learners can revisit the courses as much as they want at any time for refresher purposes.
Testing, feedback and reward are easily built into e-Learning making it an ideal method to reinforce behavior change.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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