Sunday, October 23, 2016

Safety Incentives, the Insurance Policy on Your Safety Initiative

How much time do you spend on building an OSH culture?  How much money do you spend on safety training; on analytical assessments; PPE; safety committees; safety communication; and  host of other safety expenses?  These and many other things are what make up the pieces in your safety initiative.

Do you buy insurance to make those sections of your culture work together effectively? 

A well designed safety incentive campaign will act as an insurance policy to motivate your
employees to follow all the pieces of your safety initiative.  It can be the final ingredient that can help all the other pieces work smoothly.

Safety awards should be designed to reinforce good safety behaviors and change bad behavior. Don’t just look at them to recognize the results at the end, look at them to help drive results along the way.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at

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