Monday, November 21, 2016

Creating a Behavioral Safety Program.

The article, Creating a Behavioral SafetyProgram, appeared in Safeopedia on November 3, 2016. It was written Chad Lilley a specialist in behavioral safety and safety culture development.  We have saved this article as a white paper in our collection as you might want to revisit it as it offers some excellent advice for companies who want start a behavioral based safety effort.

We found the following paragraph from the of particular interest because it dwelled on what we have been recommending for years, using a positive approach to safety and shifting emotions in the direction you want your workers to take.

“We need to shift emotions in the direction we want to move. Let’s concentrate on what is possible, what we can achieve by working together, by looking out for each other, by celebrating the small wins, acknowledging the people working beside us, and making people feel better about themselves. Instead of sending people home the same as they came in, why can’t we send them home better? What if people went home at the end of the day knowing they made a difference, knowing they had been listened to, knowing their efforts had been appreciated—how would that feel? And yes, it’s all possible, and it’s possible anywhere in the world and in any culture.”

AwardSafety has been recommending and implementing award systems for behavior based safety efforts for many years. We created a new safety award, On the Spot, to make is easy for our clients to positively reinforce safe behaviors whenever they occurred. We guide
clients on how to use these award systems to build safe on safety performance and turn this performance into a habit.  By using small dollar awards and issuing them to workers on a consistent and continuous basis we have shown clients how to do away with cash programs that were not only far more expensive but could also drew the attention of OSHA as programs that actually promoted the non-reporting of injuries and accidents.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at

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