Friday, November 4, 2016

What Clients Say About Our Safety Incentive Programs

The end result of any safety award system should be to first prevent, and then to reduce, incidents of injuries and accidents.  Our gift card award solutions have been doing that for years with diverse organizations across many industry segments. But rather than US telling you about our programs, we want you to hear what our clients have been saying.

Here's just a sample of the feedback we've received from our customers over the years:

"...We've used all kinds of safety incentive awards over the years, but yours is by far the easiest to administer, has the lowest price, and provides us with a perfect way to motivate behavior change.  On a recent audit of one of our facilities we were praised by OSHA for having a terrific non-traditional safety award system"

"...This is the best $ for $ value of any incentive program I've ever seen.  The vast majority of the budget goes where you want it to go, in the hands of your people."

"...This is our third year using the On the Spot safety award and it is a just what we needed to motivate safe behaviors in our manufacturing facilities.  It is easy to use and very cost effective."

We maintain a ongoing file of feedback via program surveys to our clients, click here for a copy of the most recent listings.

For information on any of our Award Safety products, please contact us here.

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