Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Safety Is Still About Choices

There are millions of dollars spent each year on the best training, communications the best engineers, technicians, and safety specialists to keep people safe in the workplace and at home.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the rate of incidents of accidents in private industry has decreased each year from 2003.  However in 2015 we still had over 2.9 million non-fatal accidents…a rate of 3.0 cases for every 100 full time workers.  4,836 workers were killed on the job in 2015, more than 93 a week or more than 13 deaths every day.

Why?   Many would argue that a significant proportion of accidents are primarily caused by the behavior of the individual.  If so, all the training and best safety programs in the world won’t change that. If this is a behavioral issue, than wouldn’t using tools that change behavior be an important consideration?

What can help is using safety award systems that reinforce positive safety behaviors. They have been proven to be effective, can be incorporated into your safety culture at a fraction of the cost of training, are easy to begin, but are programs that need to be sustained for the best results. Reinforcing positive safe behaviors takes time do well, time that is often in short supply with safety professionals. 

There have been many articles written on the subject of changing behavior; click here for one a short one that might be of interest. 

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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