Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The ROI of Safety Award Programs

Financial executives who were surveyed by the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety said that the top benefits of a workplace safety program were predominately financial in nature.  While we might argue that the life and health and overall well-bring of your employees is the top benefit, certainly the top business benefit would be the cost savings that can be generated.

The study went on to show that:

“For every $1 spent on safety awards, there was a savings of $3,
Or a 3:1 ROI”

Many safety professionals believe that a properly designed and implemented safety incentive system that reinforces positive safety behaviors can be instrumental in reducing the incidents of injuries and accidents. 

Billions are spent on safety training and communications and that combination can be very effective.  Training and communication create the awareness and learning necessary to perform in a safe manner.  It makes good economic sense to invest a fraction of the communications and training expense in awards that will provide the motivation to complete the behavioral loop. 

Click here for an overview of an awards program that drives an increase in the number of safe behaviors of all employees and then turns the behaviors into habits.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net.

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