Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Customer Satisfaction and Employee Safety

You can’t achieve customer satisfaction goals without all employees working toward that goal.  When a company doesn’t provide quality customer service it is noticeable almost immediately and losing any customers is very harmful to your bottom line in a short space of time. 

Safety goals not achieved also affect the bottom line, often in a more disastrous way, but
aren’t really noticeable until it is too late.  Unfortunately, many objectives relating directly to the customer often get far more focus from management than objectives relating to safety. To achieve customer satisfaction it all gets down to employee engagement.  So too, you can’t achieve safety objectives on the job without employees being deeply involved in the process.   

Studies have found a positive relationship between employee engagement and organizational performance outcomes: employee retention, productivity, profitability, customer loyalty and safety.

The approach to building customer satisfaction is the same approach to build a successful safety culture.  You need management involvement, communication, awareness, training, measurement and recognition. Just as with employee recognition awards used in companies to build and reinforce overall employee engagement, rewards close the loop on the safety behavior model and allow management to send the message that these positive safety behaviors are effective and appreciated. 

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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