Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Communication Keys in Safety Award Systems

Safety award programs create a forum for open communications in a positive manner and offer excellent cross functional coaching opportunities!  No other company planned communication event will be more readily accepted than a program where the employee can receive something tangible for their efforts. People will pay attention when they know there’s something in it for them. That’s just human nature.

Good communications within your award system are crucial.  Some keys to making the communications effective are:

Make sure your safety incentive program is tailored to the realities of your company and specific to your physical location.

Active and involved commitment from the “top-down” and from the “bottom-up” is a requirement not an option!

Communicate with consistency and continuity.  Make the pledge to safety as “Our Way of Conducting Business” on a day-to-day basis throughout the organization from the top down and it will become a reality from the bottom up. 

Communicate your safety performance successes …share your lessons learned and celebrate those individuals at all levels, who standout as safety models and safety leaders!

Make sharing safety realities, performance, and outcomes a way of life and a way of thinking” every day and at every opportunity to do so … weekly safety meetings, brown-bag safety gatherings, union meetings, informal gatherings, on-site JSA gatherings, etc. everyplace, everywhere, and every occasion with everyone!

Make a commitment to take the time to listen and respond to one another about safety issues.The most frequent complaint heard from individuals that experience the dysfunction of organizations struggling with safety compliance, safety performance, and safety outcomes is: “No one takes the time to listen to what is really going on.”  And … “If and when they do, I rarely hear back from anyone who truly cares!  Why should I bother?”

Make sure you reward those small positive safety behaviors on a consistent basis so you will change them into a habit.  Use rewards that are consistent with your message

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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