Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Comparing Various Types Awards for BBS Safety Systems

Choosing an award for your BBS safety system is an important consideration.  You need to choose the award that provides a high degree of motivation while still being cost effective.  It needs to be the type of award that your employees want to achieve.      

When comparing awards for BBS programs we feel you should ask four basic questions: 

Is the award of value to the recipient and cost effective for the company?

Does the award provide a choice to the award winner?

Is the award easy to use without requiring undo internal administration?

Is the award flexible enough to be used in a continuous and consistent BBS award system? 

Over the years we have seen various types awards used for safety programs.  Which of these is best suited for a BBS program?

Research shows that you need 3 to 4 times the cash over non- cash to motivate the same result.  Cash no memorable recognition value and easily gets lost in the paycheck. It is difficult to issue on the spot cash in a BBS system.

Single Merchandise Items
Has little motivational appeal, and doesn’t capture the attention of the employee unless they specifically desire the item.  Mainly used in sweepstakes or contests this is the lowest form of employee motivation. Pricing and value can be good if purchased at wholesale. Not suited for BBS awards which are repetitive in nature.

Catalogs of Merchandise Items
More motivational appeal because of the greater choice, and if used with “points” or some other media like “cards that are collectible for future redemption, this award can be used in BBS programs.  Ability to accumulate points toward future awards can be good, but as most catalog merchandise is priced substantially over retail, the value to cost relationship is very poor. Per observation awards found in BBS programs are relatively small so having large items of merchandise may have motivation appeal but reality shows that it can take too long to collect enough “points” to redeem for the meaningful award. Managing catalog merchandise programs will take more administration than other types of awards.

Company Identified Items (Tee shirts, caps etc.)
These are more communication types of awards than motivational awards.  They are low cost and can be used as a BBS award, but are difficult to sustain.  How many tees or caps do your employees really want? Probably more of these types of awards in safety cultures than any other type, but are they really an award?

Individual or Group Travel
Very difficult to use any type of travel as a BBS award.  We’ve seen these used when media is issued and collected toward earing the award, the cost of the award is usually prohibitive.

Gift Cards
Gift cards are the most often used award in BBS programs because they are $ for $ and provided the highest choice.  They come in low denominations, are easily issued in BBS programs and can be accumulated for higher awards.  When you give your employees a large number of gift cards to choose from, you can provide virtually unlimited choice.

For every type of non-cash award considered, a part of the award cost will go to the fees necessary to support the delivery of the award.  If you have a gift card source that you can obtain without fees, almost 100% of your BBS safety award budget will get into the hands of your employees…where it belongs.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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