Tuesday, July 24, 2018

What’s Your Most Effective Safety Tool?

Timothy Ludwig, Ph.D., the commissioner for Behavioral Safety Accreditation at the non-profit Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies noted that…

“Behavior is motivated by the consequences it produces especially when that consequence happens right after the behavior with high certainty. Thus, the most effective tools are those that deliver reinforcement to the worker immediately after the safe behavior.”

We would argue that your best safety tool is not the positive reinforcement but those who do the reinforcing, your front line supervisory management.  Without them, you wouldn’t have anyone to reinforce those positive safe behaviors when they happen.  The daily monitoring, encouragement, promotion, training, measure and feedback provided to your employees are critical to the success of any safety program.  If your front line supervisory personnel don’t support any of these efforts your programs won’t be as successful as you want them to be.

When you design your safety award system, don’t forget to include your front line management and provide part of your budget to award them as well.  Their inclusion can guarantee the program success.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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