Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Why Gift Cards Make Terrific Safety Awards

The simple answer is that they are easy for you to use with very little administration, they are very cost effective, with almost all of your award budget getting into the hands of your employees, and they provide more choice than virtually any other type of award (except maybe cash.)  And with gift cards you get the family involved.

Almost any report you see on retail buying patterns show consumers continuing to purchase gift cards for their flexibility, while the business embrace them as a way to recognize their employees. 

According to a survey from Market Watch:

·       “Nearly 60 percent of consumers say gift cards are the #1 item they plan to give this year.

·       Consumers named gift cards as the most desired gift to receive this year (5 years in a row)

·       Consumers spend an average of 80-90% more than the face value of the gift cards

·       Over 50% of US employers use gift cards to recognize employee’s contributions

·       Use of gift cards as employee incentives is forecast to increase 23% by 2018

·       15% of U.S. corporations have annual gift card budgets of more than $100K”

Gift cards are the safety awards that your employees want.

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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