Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Can a $5 Tee Shirt Really Produce Safety Results?

Many safety managers ask a great question …

“Do safety incentives really produce results?”

There are at least two schools of thought voiced by safety managers:

  1. Tangibly appreciating and recognizing individual behaviors that improve specific safety performance and outcomes have a measurable and dramatic impact on the overall safety and financial performance of a company.

  1. We pay our people to function in a safe manner and get the results the company wants.  They are already paid to work safe.

Before you determine which answer is the right one for your organization, there are certain aspects you need to consider.  These are founded in the answer to the following key questions and the criteria stated below …

Key Questions:
Does your organization actively measure, analyze, and broadcast safety performance and outcomes in terms of …

Ø The related costs of workers compensation claims.
Ø Healthcare costs increases or decreases due to incidents and accidents.
Ø The impact on operating expenses due to lost time and added labor costs.
Ø Is there a well-communicated and understood correlation between safety behaviors, performance, and the overall financial performance of your organization?

Can you relate the personal safety behaviors of your employees on-the-job performance to the above four safety issues?

If the answer to the above is YES! You are in a great position to measurably and expediently improve your safety behaviors, performance, and related outcomes by implementing a behavior based awards program using positive reinforcement to change behavior. 

For more information on AwardSafety products or services or other white papers please contact us at awardsafetyinfo@cox.net

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